3 Syrian Soldiers Killed As Israeli Warplanes Attack Syrian Capital, Damascus

Syria’s state television carried the report early on Thursday, specifying the assault as a “missile attack.”

Various media outlets had earlier reported that Syria’s air defenses had confronted an Israeli airstrike around Damascus.

The official Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) said a number of explosions had rung out over the skies of the capital and its outskirts.

This is the Israeli regime’s fourth attack on the Syrian soil within the space of just two weeks.

Just a day earlier, the Arab country said the regime had launched a missile attack on various targets on the outskirts of Syria’s southwestern city of Quneitra near Syria’s Tel Aviv-occupied Golan Heights.

Last week, the occupying regime targeted areas surrounding Damascus and the western city of Homs.

Syria and the Israeli regime are technically at war due to the latter’s continued occupation of the Golan.

The Israeli regime maintains a significant military presence in the territory, which it uses as one of its launchpads for attacks against the Syrian soil.

The regime frequently targets military positions inside Syria, especially those of the resistance movement Hezbollah, which has played a key role in helping the Syrian army in its fight against the foreign-backed terrorists.

The Tel Aviv regime mostly keeps quiet about its attacks on Syrian territory, which many view as a knee-jerk reaction to the Syrian government’s increasing success in confronting terrorism.

Israel has been a key supporter of terrorist groups that have opposed the government of President Bashar al-Assad since foreign-backed militancy erupted in Syria in March 2011.