Niger Coup Leaders Appoints new Governors for the 8 regions

AU, UN, ECOWAS Delegation Head To Niger For Talks

In the aftermath of the recent coup in Niger, the military leaders have taken a significant step towards consolidating their control over the country. Today, it was announced that the coup leaders have appointed new governors to oversee the eight regions of Niger.

The coup, which unfolded on an uncertain date in recent times, saw the ousting of the previous civilian government, sparking concerns both domestically and internationally about the country’s stability and governance. As the situation remains fluid, the appointment of new governors signals a crucial move by the military junta to establish control and administrative order in the nation.

The new governors are believed to be selected from among the ranks of the military, further solidifying the military’s grip on power in the various regions of Niger. This move is likely to raise questions about the prospect of a return to civilian rule and the potential implications for democratic institutions in the country.

The international community has expressed deep concern over the developments in Niger, with many countries calling for an immediate return to constitutional rule and the restoration of democratic governance. The African Union and other regional organizations are closely monitoring the situation and have not ruled out the possibility of imposing sanctions if the military leaders fail to heed the calls for a swift and peaceful transition of power.

Also Read: ECOWAS Defence Chiefs Hold Emergency Meeting in Abuja over Niger Coup (Photos)

The coup leaders’ decision to appoint new governors for the eight regions is expected to further exacerbate the already fragile security situation in Niger. The country has been grappling with various security challenges, including armed insurgencies and violence from jihadist groups operating in the Sahel region.

The new Governors are;

  • Agadez – Brigade General Ibro Boulama
  • Dosso – Brigadier General Iro Oumarou
  • Diffa – Brigadier General Ibrahim Bagadoma
  • Niamey – Brigadier General Abdou Assouman Harouna
  • Tahoua – Major Colonel Oumarou Tawayé
  • Maradi – Inspector General of Police Issoufou Mamane
  • Tillabery – Lieutenant Colonel Maïna Boukar
  • Zinder – Colonel EF Labo Issoufou


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