A White Woman Nominated For Commissioner For Culture & Tourism In Anambra State

Nwayiocha dressed in Igbo attire

A White Woman Nominated For Commissioner For Culture and Tourism In Anambra State, PulseNets reports.

Should a white be given the appointment to promote African culture?

Nwayiocha, a Swiss woman married to a Nigerian man, has been trending online for the past few days. She became a general topic after a random nomination for her to be appointed the commissioner for culture and tourism in a state in the eastern part of Nigeria called Anambra. She is married to an Anambra man and Anambra state is largely populated by indigenous Igbo people. The name Nwayiocha means fair lady in the Igbo language.

Nwayiocha is a vlog blogger on Facebook who has wholeheartedly embraced the culture and tradition of the Igbo tribe of Nigeria. She has not only learned how to speak the Igbo language, but she can also cook Igbo delicacies and all her children are fluent in the native language. She loves everything Igbo and always visits her husband’s village to spend time with the family. According to her, that will make her children familiar with their origin and it makes her more integrated into the culture she was married to. In her words, “we try to make it home every Christmas. It is my second home, and my heart is full of joy whenever my feet touch Ala Igbo”

A White Woman Nominated For Commissioner For Culture & Tourism In Anambra State
Nwayiocha and her son