“You don’t need to be celebrity or attain leadership position to make impact, start from where you are”, Bayelsa State First lady, Dr Gloria Diri advices youths

Bayelsa State First Lady, Dr. Gloria Diri advices youths, ‘Start Where You Are, Make an Impact

Yenagoa — The Banquet Hall of the Government House in Yenagoa was abuzz with energy as the International Gathering of World Changers (IGWC) Conference unfolded its second edition on Friday, April 26th, 2024. Among the highlights of the day was a powerful message delivered by Bayelsa State’s First Lady, Dr. Gloria Diri, aimed directly at the youth.

Dr. Gloria captivated the audience with her impassioned address, emphasizing a crucial point: making a difference in society doesn’t require fame or high-ranking positions.

“You don’t need to be a celebrity or attain a leadership position to make an impact,” she said while speaking with PulseNets just after addressing the conference . “Start from where you are.”

Her words resonated deeply with attendees from diverse backgrounds, including government officials, organizational leaders, religious figures, and, notably, youth representatives. Dr. Gloria’s advice cut through the often-perceived barriers of status or privilege, empowering every individual to take action in their communities.

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The essence of Gloria’s message lies in its universality. It speaks to the inherent power within each person to effect change, regardless of their circumstances. By urging the youth to start from their current positions, she ignites a spark of motivation and responsibility, reminding them that their actions matter, no matter how small they may seem.


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