BREAKING: Elon Musk has officially purchased Twitter

Tesla engineers review code for Musk at the Twitter office
Musk acquired a 9.2% stake in Twitter.

Twitter Inc. on Monday accepted Elon Musk’s bid to take over the company, which would give the world’s richest man control over the influential social-media network where he is also among its most powerful users.

The deal marks the close of a dramatic courtship and a sharp change of heart at Twitter, where many executives and board members initially opposed Mr. Musk’s takeover approach. The deal has polarized Twitter employees, users and regulators over the power tech giants wield in determining the parameters of acceptable discourse on the internet and how those companies enforce their rules.

The two sides worked through the night to hash out a deal. Earlier on Monday, The Wall Street Journal reported Twitter and Mr. Musk had reached an agreement to value Twitter at $44 billion.

The takeover has gone through and has marked one of the biggest acquisitions in tech history and will likely have global repercussions for years to come related to how billions of people use social media.

As Wikipedia has already updated Elon Musk as the owner.

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