Epump: How IoT-based technology aids revenue growth for fuel stations in Nigeria

Technological innovations are raging like wild fire; permeating every sector of the economy. They’re making businesses gain traction and cover economic gaps. From the telecommunications sector to banking and oil industries, technology has blazed the trail in economic recovery.

One of the ways it has been able to do so is in providing transparency and control for management and owners of business alike. Businesses that deploy technological solutions track their revenues and plug leakages.

That is exactly what a new IoT- based solution, e-Pump promises to do in the oil and gas sector in Nigeria. From the stable of a Lagos based technology start-up company, Fuelmetrics Inc,  an automated payment infrastructure, Epump has debuted, promising to revolutionise the fuel station business.

Fuel stations serve hundreds of thousands of customers every day and consist of several constantly moving parts and processes. An operation like this requires an expert knowledge of every aspect of the business, and more importantly, a high level of trust, honesty, and integrity to manage it.

However, a lot such businesses depend so much on people providing feedback and data. The problem with that is that they are at the mercy of the person providing the data. If the person’s integrity is compromised, the entire business would be built on compromised data. The input and output would be flawed and decision-making process would be affected as well.

These are the kinds of problems Fuelmetrics says it aims to solve with the cloud-based forecourt automation solution, epump.