Gov Udom swears in new commissioners, tasks them on selfless service

Governor Udom Emmanuel of Akwa Ibom State, on Friday, swore-in five new commissioners and one special adviser into the State Executive Council.

He urged them not to allow personal interest override State interest in the discharge of their responsibilities.

The six new appointees will replace those who have left in pursuit of political interests.

Speaking after the appointees took oath of office at the banquet hall, Government House, Uyo, the Governor reminded them that they were coming in at a critical time, with barely a year left for his tenure to elapse.

He added that they were required to bring their ingenuity to their new assignments to ensure a successful landing of the administration.

His words, “This is another call to duty. From your CV, it is obvious that you are combat ready. Give preference to Akwa Ibom people, do not place your personal interest above the interest of the people.

“You are coming at a time we have much to deliver. Bring your very best to make sure we land well and safely”.

He also cautioned everyone to be wary of politicians who exhibit anti-State tendencies and political violence that tend to breach the peace in the State.

According to him, any politician who uses fear, threats and intimidation to seek political power in Akwa Ibom State should be rejected by the people and by God.

The six new exco members sworn-in and their LGAs include: Dr. Bassey B. Okon – Itu Local Government, Offiong S. Offoh – Ini LGA, Enefiok Isaac – Ikot Ekpene LGA, Iniobong Ekong – Nsit Ubium LGA, Bob Emem – Onna and Engr. Camillus Essien Umoh – Essien Udim LGA.