2023 Presidency: Time of judgement for Igbo sons, daughters is here

Onyebuchi Ugwu: 2023 Presidency: Time of judgement for Igbo sons, daughters is here

I am compelled to pen down this piece, which in my opinion, addresses some eminent issues about the Southeast and 2023 presidential election.

Firstly, let me remind those who urge Igbo Nation not to break away from Nigeria, that the agitation for self-determination by Ndigbo, Independence of Igbo Nation or secession of Igbo Nation from Nigeria, in whatever nomenclature by MASSOB, IPOB, OHANAEZE, individuals etc., was not born out of natural malice for Nigeria but of revolt which is inherent in every living being. This inherent characteristic of beings (revolt) is the tendency from within the man which naturally fights against unpleasant, unfavourable, unbearable, degrading and inhuman environment that confronts the man. Hence, the struggle to break away from such environment.

Igbo Nation is the man described above, who finds himself in such a miserable environment (Nigeria). Let me not dwell so much on the reasons the Ndigbo agitates for self-determination for the reasons are crystal clear that no political being in Nigeria can claim ignorant of.

Secondly, it is also eminent to ask why the Government of Nigeria do not support the agitation of self-determination/breakaway of the Igbo Nation from Nigeria? Is it that Nigeria cannot survive without the Igbo Nation or that Nigeria is determined to keep the Igbo Nation in perpetual slavery and dominance? If it is that Nigeria needs the Igbo Nation to survive and thrive, let Nigeria treat her (The Igbo Nation) as an indispensable part of Nigeria. However, if the reason is to keep the Igbo Nation in such inhuman condition for perpetuity, then, the best and only strategy for the survival of the Ndigbo is Independence of The Igbo Nation.

Thirdly, there have been calls from well-meaning Nigerians, groups, organizations etc., in different quarters within and across the globe, that the 2023 presidency should be zoned to Southeast. It is therefore believed that a President of Nigeria of Igbo extraction will greatly assuage the pains of the long-lived inexplicable negligence, exclusion and marginalization of Ndigbo. These eminent personalities also called that the country must be restructured. These are the major issues that are capable of making Nigeria great again as Ohanaeze Ndigbo have always said that “Nigeria will be better with Igbi Presidency”. However, there are still some unpatriotic few who are determined to end the country with their lives. These people must be under some oath neither to allow Ndigbo produce a President of Nigeria nor allow Nigeria be restructured.

In addition, the unpatriotic few who have steadily caused Nigeria to remain underdeveloped have eventually succumbed to pressures to support the advocacy for a Nigerian President of Igbo extraction but for their hatred for Ndigbo, they pushed it to the entire South as if they are scared of mentioning the name Igbo or Southeast. Unfortunately, these unpatriotic Nigerians want to selfishly continually be in charge. How you may ask me? They will use their current political positions and Nigeria’s resources under their control to influence people to embrace the candidate of their choice. This candidate will be a rubberstamp, a remote in the hands of this few.

At this juncture, I would like to express my gratitude to all who genuinely support the advocacy for and anticipated successful emergence of a Nigerian President of Igbo extraction. Your supports have given us the opportunity to present to Nigerians a fellow who shall make them forget the ills of past years.

The question of who becomes that President of Nigeria of Igbo extraction is entirely the Igbos to answer. This is not to say that other Nigerians should not have a say on who it should be but we know ourselves more than you know us. These long-lived years of negligence did not go without some Igbo sons and daughters representing us in various political capacities at the three (3) tiers of government; Federal, State and Local Governments. The Igbo Nation has also thrived economically, thanks to Igbo industrialists, businessmen and women who refused being frustrated by the wickedness always being melted on Ndigbo in these past years. Academic strides in honour of sons and daughters of the Igbo Nation at home and in Diaspora have also and always made the Igbos to hold their heads high. These honours did not go without vantage positions for the holders which made them gods and godly to others, all for Igbo Nation. Indeed, the time of judgement is here for sons and daughters of Igbo Nation.

Meanwhile, it has been observed that the desperate and unpatriotic few who would never want to leave seats of power have recently started chanting support and galvanizing actions for their likes in the Southeast. We are not also unaware that people from other parts of the South are equally jostling for the office of the President but let it be known to Nigerians that a criminal, a fraudster, an unpatriotic, wicked and inhuman person will never be a Nigerian President of Igbo extraction. If such persons had ruled Nigeria in the past or at present, Ndigbo will give Nigerians a messiah of a President!

Finally, I challenge Igbo youth to rise against the candidacy of any individual who has no good record of good services to humanity, who has no Igbo interest at heart but serves the interests of a few Nigerians so as to be in power, who has shown unproductiveness in his/her entire political career, who is not ready to deconstruct Igbo Nation for the good of Nigeria, who is a candidate of any group of the unpatriotic few etc. Ndigbo, rise against such candidacy! This is equally the best of time to reward and remember those who have been for us, for Nigeria and for humanity.

Onyebuchi J. Ugwu,
(Spokesman, The Distinguished Conservatives).