Six UN workers killed in Gaza

Six UN workers killed in Gaza
Israel strikes back against Palestine following violence at Jerusalem

No fewer than six United Nations (UN) staff have been killed in Gaza on Monday, October 23.

This brings to 35 the number of UN Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) killed since the beginning of conflict early October.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres confirmed their death in a tweet on Monday night.

He tweeted: “Six more United Nations staff have been killed in Gaza, according to the UN agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA).

It brings the total number of UNRWA workers killed in Gaza since the conflict began to 35.

“We mourn their loss and stand with colleagues doing all they can to assist those in need.”

No fewer than 5000 people have died in Gaza following Israeli airstrike in retaliation for the 7 October 2023 Hamas attack on Israel killing more than 1400 people and taking over 200 hostage.

Also Read: UN Security Council to consider resolution on Hamas-Israel ceasefire

Israeli Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu said Israel is taking an “iron fist” in order “to eliminate Hamas”