Japa: Checkout The Schengen Visa Refusal Letter A Nigerian Got From Embassy (Refusal Letter)

Japa: Checkout The Schengen Visa Refusal Letter A Nigerian Got From Embassy
Why A Nigerian Was Denied Schengen Visa

The Embassy makes the following assessment. You have applied for a Schengen entry visa with the intention of visiting Sweden for 14 days for tourism purposes.

Initially, the Embassy notes that the security situation in Nigeria is uncertain and there is an ongoing economic crisis in the country. There is therefore a high risk that Nigerian citizens do not leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the visa applied for. The applicant must therefore be well established in their home country to be able to be granted a visa.

The Embassy also wants to highlight that trade in forged documents by private individuals and corruption in connection with the issuing of documents by the authorities is very common in Nigeria. Available country information indicates that the possession of a Nigerian id-document, even certified ones, does not guarantee the correct identity of a person. Many businesses specialize in issuing forged documents, and it is neither difficult nor expensive to obtain, for example a forged driving licence or other documents that in turn can be used to obtain for example a passport or birth certificate. According to investigations, there is a particularly brisk trade in forged documents in Benin City in Edo state (Country of origin information report Nigeria, March 2021, p. 42)

The Embassy notes that you have not visited the Schengen area previously and subsequently returned to your home country. The fact that you previously have not visited the Schengen area cannot single-handedly constitute ground for refusal of the application for an entry visa. It is however relevant in assessing your purpose and importance of your intended visit to Schengen.
You have stated that you have your own company and you have submitted certificates regarding the company.

However, you have not shown what assets the company has, that you have access to the assets or that you have a monthly income from the business.

You have also provided bank statements. Regardless of said bank statements being genuine, bank statements alone cannot prove that you are well established since a bank balance is also considered movable assets, and data therefore not tie you to your home country.

Further more, the bank statements do not show that your financial situation has been stable over a longer period of time. You have also not shown any personal ownership of property or other financial ties to your home country. All in all, the Embassy finds that you have not shown that you have regular incomes and/or such assets that your financial situation can be considered stable.

Furthermore, the Embassy considers the stated purpose of your trip to be questionable. You have submitted a hotel booking, but no information has been provided regarding what you plan to do and sec during your time in Sweden. The Embassy concludes that you have not been able to justify the Betecknint 52593708 purpose and conditions of the intended stay in Sweden.

Like mentioned above, you have previously never visited the Schengen area and subsequently returned to your home country. No safe conclusions can consequently be made regarding your intention to leave the Schengen area before the expiry of a visa. The Embassy concludes that against this background, especially considering the general socioeconomic situation in Nigeria, you have failed to show that you are well established in your home country. Based on the circumstances mentioned the Embassy also concludes that you have not been able to justify the purpose of your intended stay.
Your application for a Schengen entry visa is refused.

See letter: