10 Must Use Tools For Your New Ecommerce Startup In 2020

10 Must Use Tools For Your New Ecommerce Startup

Ecommerce startups at the early stages prove to be very difficult to manage by small business owners as most of the startups are characterized by low budgets and small teams. Most times, they lack the finance of hiring full-time staff to handle very vital operations such as accounting and marketing.

But in this age and time, technology is providing innovative solutions for most entrepreneurs to overcome this challenge as most ecommerce startups leverage a wide range of digital tools that are adept at managing numerous business activities without necessarily having to hire staff.

I shall be showing you the 10 best tools you can use to grow your new ecommerce startup and make it very competitive.

  1. Online Invoicing Software

This is an online invoicing tool that helps users manage and track their business finances online from a central dashboard. Online Invoice Software helps you create professional invoices and then send those invoices clients instantly. You can also send payment receipts along with an appreciative message

Besides this, the software helps you do numerous other things such as:

  • Sending payment reminders to customers.
  • Scheduling invoices on a weekly or monthly basis, and accordingly take wiser decisions.
  • Monitoring invoices issued and payments received.
  • Keeping track of business expenses. Pricing starts at N0.
  1. Proprofs Knowledge Base Software

Proprofs knowledge base software is an ecommerce customer support tool that is self-care enabled, it will help your clients to use the cloud tool to get answers to their problems. All you need to do is to provide a lot of information about your company or organization and make accessible to the users.

It is one of the best ways to keep your customers engaged as they will get some answers to their problems and reduce the workload on the company’s support staff and save you a lot of time to attend to other projects. This will keep the customers satisfied and appreciate your services to them. Pricing starts at N0.

  1. Smile.io

Smile.io is necessary for growing brand loyalty for any ecommerce startup whether big or small. This loyalty platform allows you to reward loyal customers, which serves as encouragement for them to refer your brand to others as well. It is one of the platforms you can use to reward loyal customers, motivating customers to recommend your online store to others can boost brand advocacy and also social sharing encourages customer engagement. Pricing starts at N18,620/month.

  1. Exit Bee

Thousands of people visit online shops, but only a fraction of them make actual purchases online especially in Nigeria. For a startup that wants to increase sales, I recommend you use Exit Bee. Apart from helping you target visitors at the right time, Exit Bee enables you to do the following;

  • Track visitor behavior to ensure they see your marketing campaign before leaving the site
  • Improve targeting by filtering and focusing on visitors based on devices used, pages visited and time spent on the site
  • Create location-based campaigns to target the right audience, increase customer conversion rates.
  • Improve lead generation through email subscription, reduce cart abandonment rate. Pricing starts at N14,820/month.

See Also: How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Programs In Nigeria

  1. Jungle Scout

If you sell on Amazon, AliExpress or your own site, Jungle Scout is the ideal ecommerce tool for you. The tool Jungle Scout is tremendously helpful in product research, product launch and growing your startup. With Jungle Scout, you can;

  • Search massive product databases to find top-selling items in different categories.
  • Keep track of inventory levels, daily sales and revenue for products sold on Amazon.
  • Identify reliable suppliers based on the items they manufacture and the top customers they serve.
  • Use keywords to drive traffic to your product listing.
  • Improve performance and lower costs using sales analytics. Pricing starts at N14,820/month.
  1. Buffer

The role social media plays in online selling cannot be overemphasized, it is the perfect ecommerce tool to help you manage your online interactions with customers. Buffer is designed to help you seamlessly with social media interactions and is why its among the 10 must use tools for your new Ecommerce startup, which will help your business especially if small to achieve the following:

  • Planning and scheduling social media campaigns.
  • Measuring the performance of social media activities.
  • Tracking engagements on different social media platforms. Pricing starts at N5,700/ month.
  1. Sourcify

Product sourcing plays a vital role in the growth of any ecommerce startup whether big or small. Your profit margin can be increased just by sourcing products from the right suppliers and it is where Sourcify comes in. Sourcify serves as the link between product manufacturers and businesses seeking to manufacture their products. Sourcify helps you source products by:

  • Reducing the risks involved in the manufacturing process.
  • Helping you pick the best manufacturers by soliciting bids from at least three manufacturers.
  • Vetting product manufacturers to ensure you get the right companies to manufacture your product. Pricing- Contact Sourcify.
  1. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a recommended ecommerce tool that will help you gain insights into customer behavior, increase conversions rates, analyze content performance, products, campaigns, etc. which will help make smarter decisions.  Google Analytics can help you achieve the following include:

  • Monitoring the behavior of people who visit your online store.
  • Measuring return on investment for online marketing campaigns.
  • Boosting conversion rates for Pay-per-Click ads. Pricing – It’s free of cost
  1. Campaign Monitor

I recommend you use Campaign Monitor if your focus is on email marketing. It’s the perfect solution to create captivating email marketing campaigns for your online shop. The tool can help you achieve the following;

  • Creates branded email campaigns that work well on any device.
  • Builds timely emails to drive customer engagement.
  • Personalizes your emails + Segment your customer base and share relevant emails.
  • Grows your sales figure and creates long-lasting relationships with customers. Pricing – starts at N3,480/month.
  1. Bugify

I will say this tool is designed specifically for startups with small teams because of its advantages to startups with small teams. Bugify helps small teams keep track of customer issues and it comes with a wide range of features that help your customer service staff track issues and find solutions to them easily.

Bugify helps you achieve the following;

  • Categorize and locate high, medium, and low priority issues with the help of labels.
  • Locate issue tickets easily with the help of its powerful search function.
  • Track the history of issues raised by customers.
  • Create a list of issues that need to be addressed on priority. Pricing – N95,000 (One-time payment.


There are numerous Ecommerce startup tools out there that are productive. If you want to convert sales rate and make profits with little or no cost at all, I recommend you use the 10 must use tools for your new Ecommerce startup you learnt today. Don’t forget to drop your questions in the comment box if you need help with any clarifications.


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