5 crazy reasons developed countries are denying Africans visa

5 crazy reasons developed countries are denying Africans visa

Sometimes once-friendly diplomatic ties between two countries might deteriorate, leading to constrictive and confrontational encounters.

There are many methods for two nations to decide to cut ties, but aside from an economic embargo, there are few measures that are used more frequently than a visa ban.

Usually, when two nations are at odds with one another or disregard one another’s interests, they can decide to remain silent in the way that toddlers do. In this instance, distance can prevent an even worse effect.

Visa bans are an extreme approach with very few repercussions. They are calls to change the situation that is causing animosity and non-violent threats.

Such consequences are nothing new to Africa. There have been various cases where an African nation or region has been prohibited from entering another foreign nation. Here is a list of some of the most absurd justifications for visa restrictions or bans on African nations.

UAE bans Nigeria
The most recent item on this list is this one. Nigeria was prohibited from entering the United Arab Emirates as recently as October 21st, 2022. Although the present Nigerian inhabitants of the UAE are unaffected by this prohibition, anyone intending to visit the nation is. The UAE refused to give an explanation for the restriction, adding simply that before it is lifted, the governments of the UAE and Nigeria must resolve their differences. Although the UAE has not provided an official justification for its choice, there may be some hints in the form of breadcrumbs.

UAE visa ban on Nigeria
Nigerians stranded in UAE evacuated by FG

USA bans Ghana
Ghana was hit with a visa restriction by the United States of America back in February 2019. The US was incensed that the Ghanaian government would not let Ghanaian nationals who had been deported from the US to return home. As a result, Ghana was denied visas by the US. Similar circumstances occurred with Burundi.

US issues visa ghana pulsenets
Ghanaian students with the American and Ghanaian flags

USA bans Nigeria, Eritrea, Sudan, and Tanzania
This is on the crazier end of the scale, as former US President Donald Trump decided to pass legislation excluding immigrants from Nigeria, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Eritrea, Sudan, and Tanzania from entering the country. He explained that it was for security reasons that he imposed a ban on Muslim-majority countries.

Protesters gather at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection offices in Washington on March 7, 2017, to oppose the rollout of a travel ban by President Donald Trump. (Astrid Riecken for The Washington Post)

USA bans Uganda, DRC and Burundi
As a result of election fraud in 2019, the United States barred DRC government officials from visiting the country. For a same reason, the United States barred Ugandan government officials from entering the country in 2021. It barred anyone suspected of obstructing the democratic process during the Ugandan general elections.

On November 23, 2015, after President Nkurunziza’s controversial campaign for a third term provoked a coup attempt and post-election violence that killed 1,200 people and displaced another 400,000, then-US President Barack Obama sanctioned Burundi government leaders, barring them from entering the US.

5 crazy reasons developed countries are denying Africans visa pulsents
US ambassador to Uganda Deborah Malac with President Museveni at the State House

UK bans Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Liberia
This prohibition was imposed as a result of the 2014 Ebola fear. These countries were considered to be on the verge of an Ebola outbreak, and various world governments wanted to contain it. Not an outlandish justification, other countries followed following, barring travel to and from these countries, and then other African countries.

New Ebola virus outbreak declared in Guinea
Ebola health workers in Africa
  • General Global Ban

A worldwide ban on Africa
The Covid-19 outbreak sparked unprecedented levels of world fear, leaving a brutally vivid mark on recent memory. This particular topic deserves its own list, but this particular event is noteworthy simply because of its size. Numerous African nations were prohibited from entering the borders of the UK, USA, China, Europe, and other countries. Both the blacklisted African nations and the countries that imposed the ban are too numerous to name individually.

5 crazy reasons developed countries are denying Africans visa