Press Freedom: Nigeria partners with US to Combat Fake News

Press Freedom: Nigeria partners with US to Combat Fake News

Nigeria’s dedication to press freedom has gained a major boost through a collaboration between the Ministry of Information and National Orientation and the United States. This partnership is aimed at tackling misinformation and bolstering media rights.

Minister Mohammed Idris told PulseNets about this initiative following a meeting with Richard Mills, the U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria on Wednesday. During the interview, Idris spoke to PulseNets, stating, “The ambassador talked about some issues that he thinks we need to address to improve press freedom, and we have also given him assurance on what we are doing.

He recognises that we are doing a great job in ensuring that the Nigerian press is free and one of the freest around the world.”

Idris further emphasized the Tinubu administration’s ongoing commitment to strengthening media freedom, acknowledging the challenges in place. “We are working on areas to ensure that all of us enjoy what is called press freedom, which is an important part of any viable democracy,” he said.

The partnership also targets misinformation, with Idris noting, “We all believe collectively that there’s no way you can build a virile society when you promote fake news and don’t take the issue of misinformation and disinformation seriously.”

Ambassador Mills reported to PulseNets his admiration for Nigeria’s progress, saying, “We discussed ways of strengthening the existing relationship between the US and Nigeria, especially regarding press freedom and journalists’ rights.”

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He also learnt about the global disinformation challenges and noted that their discussions included strategies to tackle this pressing issue.

This joint effort is a significant stride toward creating a more transparent and accountable media landscape in Nigeria.