Aviatrix Free Certified Engineering (ACE) Program


Aviatrix is currently helping to redefine networking for the cloud and putting enterprise IT back in control.

Its cloud networking software delivers a single, common platform for multi-cloud networking, regardless of public cloud providers used. And it’s no doubt that the company’s (ACE) program is the industry’s first and only multi-cloud networking certification and training program.

They focus on supporting multi-cloud networking.

The ACE program has three levels:

  • Associate
  • Professional &
  • Design Architect.

And guess what?

The company has currently made it’s Associate level training material and certification available to anyone for free…

Yes, you heard it right – even the certification is available for free!

But this offer lasts till June 30th 2020.

Use this coupon code: ACEONLINE to get the $895 Course for free, And click here to signup! ).

Please pass this on to those who may be able to benefit.