Biobarakuma thanks Amayanabo of Opu Nembe for bringing peace to the Kingdom

Francis R. Biobarakuma who was a former students leader thanks HIS ROYAL MAJESTY KING BIOBELEMOYE J. JOSIAH (OGBODO THE VIll) AMAYANABO OF OPU-NEMBE (BASSAMBIRI) KINGDOM for the peace and reconciliation event that finally brought peace and oneness amongst sons of the kingdom.

PulseNets gathered that two indigenous sons of the community had misunderstanding few months ago which led to a fight between the two parties.

It happened just few weeks the king was elected into office. It brought chaos to the kingdom which made one party fled the community.

A source told PulseNets when asked that one Mr  Ebeinmo was killed during the period by unknown gunmen that attacked the community. The source said many people in the community believed it was the other party that fled the community that sent the gunmen.

Mr Biobarakuma expressed his happiness to finally witness peace in his community.

He wrote on his facebook page;

Opu Nembe Peace & Reconciliation Event
Yesterday I attended the Opu Nembe peace & reconciliation event at the Opu Nembe civic center which has brought peace and harmony amongst sons of the kingdom.
I want use this medium to firstly thank the Amayanabo of Opu Nembe Kingdom, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY KING BIOBELEMOYE J. JOSIAH (OGBODO THE VIll) AMAYANABO OF OPU-NEMBE ( BASSAMBIRI) KINGDOM and his council of chiefs for the effort they put in to bring peace to the kingdom. The king has proven beyond reasonable doubt to be lover of peace and oneness.
Secondly I want to thank Barr. Amunaboye Clement, Hon. Irigha Brigidi, Dr Kojo Sams and Engr. Ayerite Moses for coming out of their comfort zones, eschewing violence to make sure peace returned to Opu Nembe kingdom.
As adviced by the king and others during the event let all Opu Nembe people put the interest of the kingdom above self and ensure peace and development in our land.
To the people of Opu Nembe, thank you for coming out en masse to celebrate peace in our land, it goes a long way to say we’re peace loving people.
God bless Opu Nembe
God bless Nembe Se
Below is the link to post with pictures from the event;