According to NPA Chief Executive, the Dangote Refinery will lower Ghana’s petroleum imports and pump prices

Our refinery will supply first product to market by July — Dangote

Ghana is currently confronted with the dilemma of a continuing rise in petroleum product prices due to high importation costs and a deregulated downstream industry.

The West African country, which has been a net crude oil exporter since 2010, is very exposed to oil price shocks since it imports a substantial portion of its petroleum products, primarily from Europe (Rotterdam). As a result, their economy is vulnerable to instability in international crude and petroleum product markets, as demonstrated lately by the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Things are anticipated to change, however, as Mustapha Abdul-Hamid, Chief Executive Officer of Ghana’s National Petroleum Authority (NPA), believes the Dangote Petroleum Refinery’s arrival will overhaul the Ghanaian downstream sector.

According to him, the start-up of a 650,000-bpd refinery will alter the Ghanaian downstream industry by lowering the cost of petroleum product importation into Ghana.

Abdul-Hamid stated that the completion of the Dangote Petroleum Refinery project will be a breakthrough for the West African area, which has long been dependent on the importation of petroleum products, in a speech at the 16th Oil Trading and Logistics Expo in Lagos.

“Right now, Ghana’s downstream industry is completely deregulated, and there is no petrol subsidy in Ghana. For a deregulated market where the importers recover their costs fully, importing from Nigeria will certainly be more cost-effective and cheaper than importing from Rotterdam in the Netherlands, where we get the bulk of our fuel in Ghana,” he said.

“As we all know, the price builds up for a litre of fuel will include the cost of shipment, transportation, insurance, and others, but if we are importing from Nigeria into Ghana, this will bring down the cost of fuel in our country,” he added.

Abdul-Hamid also praised the Ghanaian government’s choice to invest $60 billion in the construction of a $60 billion petroleum hub for storage and marine facilities on 20,000 acres of land in the western part of the nation.

He claims that by linking the upstream and downstream, the project will hasten the development of the continent’s oil and gas resources, which include refineries and petrochemical facilities.

“It will promote cleaner fossil fuels and biofuels as the pathway to a just energy transition. Gas has been accepted as the transition fuel because gas is the least carbon-emitting fossil fuel”, he added.


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