Birthday: We didn’t visit Aisha Buhari in Dubai, we were on her entourage – Govs’ wives

Nigeria Governors’ Wives Forum, Wednesday described as scandalous, the news making the rounds that they travelled from Nigeria to Dubai to celebrate with the First Lady of Nigeria Dr. Aisha Buhari, on the occasion of her birthday.

“This is not true and we find this assumption scandalous. We are all dedicated to supporting our spouses as well as our First Lady, and we would never be a party to anything that will bring embarrassment to them and ourselves,” part of the statement read.

Reports from online media (not Vanguard) had it that Nigeria Governors’ Wives travelled from Nigeria to Dubai to surprise Aisha Buhari on her birthday.

But reacting to that in a statement signed by Erelu Bisi Fayemi, Chair of the Forum, Nigeria Governors’ Wives opined: “Our attention has been drawn to a social media post shared on the 1st of March 2022 suggesting that some Nigerian Governors’ Wives were in Dubai to surprise the First Lady of Nigeria Dr. Aisha Buhari on the occasion of her birthday on the 17th of February 2022.

“For the avoidance of doubt and in the interest of the public, the Nigerian Governors Wives were on the entourage of the First Lady of Nigeria who was on an official trip to the UAE.