Dr Frankland Returns to APC

Dr Frankland Returns to APC

A press release from the Dr Frankland Briyai’s Facebook page confirmed the former lndependent electoral commissioner return to the All Progressive Congress (APC)

The press release reads;

It will be recalled that on the 8th August, 2019 I resigned my appointment as Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC) to join other progressives in seeking the nomination for the All Progressive Congress governorship ticket. After my disqualification by the screening committee and after my exhaustive consultative meeting with immediate family members, friends and associates, I moved to the Young Progressives Party to contest the said election were i became the invalidated candidate of the YPP.

Following the new development orchestrated by the withdrawal of our appeal at the supreme court of Nigeria, by the YPP without consulting me, it became imperative to consult my family, friends and associates on the way forward. In view of the said consultation and my believe in working with progressive minds for the betterment of Bayelsa state and Federal Republic of Nigeria, I Dr. Frankland Oyeins Briyai hereby return my membership of the All Progressives Congress.

May I use this medium to thank His Excellency, Muhammadu Buhari GCFR, president, Commander-in-chief of the armed forces Federal Republic of Nigeria, for the opportunity he gave me to serve as the Resident Electoral Commissioner, Cross River State, from July 2017 till my resignation on 8th August, 2019. May I thank the APC family in the state and National for readmitting me into the APC family.

To my teeming supporters I owe you eternal gratitude, your Sacrifices to our project a better and prosperous Bayelsa is not taken for granted. I appreciate and I love you all. Politics is elastic, it is to this end that I encourage you my supporters to be civil until the next step is taken by me politically.

Kind regards

Dr. Frankland Oyeins Briyai