BREAKING: Again, ECOWAS delegation fails to meet Niger junta

BREAKING: Again, ECOWAS delegation fails to meet Niger junta

Former Military Head of State, Gen Abdulsalami Abubakar (rtd), on Saturday, led a delegation of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to Niger in a last-ditch diplomatic effort to reach a peaceful solution with the military government;.

Although the delegation was scheduled to meet with Niger Republic Coup leader General Abdourahamane Tchiani, Prime Minister Ali Lamine Zeine received them, according to BBC Hausa.

The meeting with the troubled West African Country representative reportedly lasted about 90 minutes.

It is unclear why Abdulsalami’s delegation could not meet with the junta, but there are unconfirmed reports of mutiny by the presidential guard of the Niger Republic.

Also Read: ECOWAS defence chiefs fix date for invasion of Niger Republic

PulseNets recalls a previous effort by the ECOWAS delegation, also led by Abdulsalami, failed to meet President Mohamed Bazoum and the coup leader.

Tichiani later apologised when some Nigerian clerics met with him last weekend, saying they did not meet the delegation out of anger.


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