EU sends election observation mission to Nigeria for 2023 elections

EU sends election observation mission to Nigeria for 2023 elections

In response to the Independent National Electoral Commission’s (INEC) request, the European Union (EU) has chosen to send an EU Election Observation Mission (EOM) to monitor the general elections set for February 25 and March 11, 2023.

According to a statement released on Wednesday, Josep Borrell, the Vice-President of the European Commission and High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, has appointed Barry Andrews, a Member of the European Parliament, as the Chief Observer for the Election Observation Mission to Nigeria. The EU had previously sent election observation missions to Nigeria for the 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, and 2019 elections.

High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell was quoted in the statement to have said: “These elections will be crucial for the consolidation of democracy in Nigeria, and for the stability of the region. This is the sixth time that the EU deploys an election observation mission to Nigeria, reflecting our commitment to work together to consolidate democracy in the country. The elections are set to be competitive and will take place in a challenging security context. It is our hope that Nigerians will be able to cast their vote in a peaceful environment and that any challenges or disputes will be solved through dialogue or through available legal remedies.”

The Chief Observer Barry Andrews said: “I am very pleased to have been entrusted with the responsibility for leading this EU Election Observation Mission. The mission is taking place during a period of time when democracy around the globe is in decline. The forthcoming General Elections are therefore not only a key moment in Nigeria’s democratic development but also important to the future of democracy in West Africa and the continent at large. I am looking forward to meeting with electoral stakeholders that are playing important roles in the ongoing electoral process.”

The EU EOM will, according to the statement, offer a thorough, objective, and independent evaluation of the voting process based on global and regional norms for democratic elections.

Eleven election specialists who make up the Core Team of the EU EOM will go to Abuja in the first part of January. 40 long-term observers will join the operation by the end of January and be dispersed all throughout the nation to monitor the election process. Following that, on election day, the mission will be strengthened by short-term observers from the EU diplomatic community as well as Canada, Norway, and Switzerland.

Until the conclusion of the election, the EU EOM will stay in the nation.

Following election day, the team will produce a preliminary statement and hold a news conference in Abuja in accordance with the EU election observation procedures. After the conclusion of the entire electoral process, the final report—which contains a list of suggestions for future elections—will be made public.