COVID-19: How To Make More Sales During Lockdown

How To Make More Sales During This COVID-19 Lockdown

Now a lot of businesses have crumbled due to the unexpected corona virus (COVID-19) outbreak in China which have affected every part of the world and have been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO).

It is important to note that When problems arise, solutions must be proffered and this case for business owners who are finding it difficult to make sales or increase their sales owing to this pandemic. Most shops have been shut indefinitely and their businesses stagnant.

COVID-19: How To Make More Sales During Lockdown
Corona Virus

In this article I shall be showing you a few things you can do to make sales or increase your sales in order to make profit during COVID-19 lockdown. We are going to look at some tactics and strategies you can apply to keep your business or businesses afloat during this unprecedented time.

Embrace Ecommerce (Online Shop)

You must take your business online during this time. The old fashion of business is gone forever and if you must keep up contemporary competition you must embrace ecommerce which technology has made very easy for all business owners.

You can resolve to use different social media platforms to that which will help but I advise you use one of the already established Ecommerce platforms like Amazon, Jumia, Konga, etc for international and local businesses as the case may be.

There are a lot of benefits attached to Ecommerce and you can learn about the 10 Must Use Tools for Your New Ecommerce Startup In 2020 so as to get more knowledge before embarking on this journey.

Deliver Essential Products

One of the things you must not lack as a business owner or entrepreneur is the ability to be creative and understand times, during this pandemic you can use your facilities and what you can get to shift production to essential materials like Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), hand sanitizers and cleaning agents.

This will help you create a new revenue stream while you are also making profit from your existing business make more sales during this COVID-19 lockdown

During this period, these are the most sorted items in the marketing and putting your business in that line will definitely boost your or organization revenue as you are also doing a great service to the community by making those materials available.

Give Your Customers What They Want

One of the satisfying feelings a customer or client usually has is getting the exact thing he or she wanted. So identifying and fulfilling a consumers need is always a necessary way of driving your business.

Especially during this pandemic period, you can offer a free facemask to anyone who buys a product from your site or online shop. Facemask is a necessity for everyone currently and with shortage of surgical and N95 facemask you can offer a washable facemask.

A lot of customers can be enticed using incentive methods especially for essential and scarce products. This is a win-win situation for both customers and your organization.

Optimization And Partnerships

It is vital for you to optimize your business during this period because of the competition. There are many small businesses scraping by, and optimizing your online shop is the only revenue stream you might just get.

Flexibility is key as you don’t want to overreact, take a critical analysis of your target customers. Business optimization with totally data analysed research will always give you the result you need.

Well teaming up with delivery agencies will help your business grow as it will both parties support each other and help introduce each other’s customers. This will strengthen customer brand relationships and trust as a single delivery channel is used.

Give Back To The Community

As the world battles this COVID-19 pandemic it is only right you give back your community by helping them reconnect to the area of their lives that are vital like health, safety, and awareness.

There are many ways you can give back to the community, be committed to better their livelihood by connecting with them on social media, and give them words of encouragement in a live broadcast.

Use your email marketing to pass information about the virus, this will encourage more clients subscribe to your email newsletter which will help make more sales during this COVID-19 lockdown

Another way to give back is to add a donation app to your site which will get medical supplies to first responders in this COVID-19 crisis. Donating essentials to orphanages and giving a percentage of your sales back to the community is not also a bad idea.

Make More Personal Connections

Now rather than promoting sad stories and markdowns which reflect the current crisis and problems we are faced with, you should provide your customers with a direct and opposite experience which is giving them a reason to get excited about the future and the need for them to keep hope alive.

In addition to that you can decide to give your customers an opportunity to sign up for a one on one virtual shopping experience via a video communication platform like Zoom or Skype.

These sessions will boost the confident level of your customers and give you the chance to make personal connections with them.


Keeping an open and transparent communication with your customers and following the points mentioned above during this COVID-19 lockdown will help you make things that you can’t imagine.

Also Read: USAID appropriates $5million for COVID-19 vaccine in Nigeria

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