Oldest man in Aleibiri community, HRH Micah Simon Ebebi joins his ancestors

Oldest man in Aleibiri community, HRH Micah Simon Ebebi joins his ancestors

Aleibiri Mourns: Remembering HRH Micah Simon Ebebi, The Alei of Alei

HRH Micah Simon Ebebi, The Alei of Alei, has peacefully joined his ancestors, marking a poignant moment of both sorrow and reverence in Aleibiri community, Ekeremor Local Government Area, Bayelsa State.

Chief B. I. Guembe, Chairman of the Alei Council of Chiefs, solemnly declared his passing on April 6th, 2024. In honour of his legacy, a three-day period of mourning and celebration was announced to pay homage to the late King and Amakosu-Owei of Aleibiri federated community.

Throughout his remarkable tenure, spanning four decades, HRH Micah Simon Ebebi diligently served as the sovereign of Aleibiri kingdom, imprinting his wisdom and leadership on its history. He ascended to the revered position of the oldest man in Aleibiri in 2016, embodying the rich heritage and traditions of his community.

Notably, the late King was also the esteemed father of the former Speaker and Deputy Governor of Bayelsa State, H.E. Hon. Peremobowei Ebebi, further underscoring his enduring legacy of service and dedication to his people.

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As we bid farewell to a revered leader, let us offer our prayers and deepest condolences to his family, friends, and the entire Aleibiri community. May the gentle soul of HRH Micah Simon Ebebi find eternal rest. Amen.