Jonathan, Symbol Of Democracy – Mustapha Ahmadu

Jonathan Missing As APC Lists 23 Presidential Hopefuls For Screening

With barely a year to the 2023 Nigerian general elections, the question of who will lead the world’s most populous black country is undoubtedly the most debated issue across the country. From the streets of Bourdillon to the Eastern countryside and Jada hills, the search for Nigeria’s next president is taking the centre stage.

While this is sensitive and critical, there is a particular need for deep and careful reflection to determine who becomes the next president, given the current situation of things in the country. Nigeria is in dire need of a leader who will inspire hope, proffer solutions to the core challenges bedevilling the country and foster unity beyond ethnic and religious complexities.

It is in this light that we at the Restore Nigeria Project, a socio-political group founded on the foundations of good governance, civic engagement and grassroots development, joins renewed calls for former President Goodluck Jonathan to enter the 2023 presidential race. This is, without fear of contradiction, a call that stems from a deep sense of passion, pure patriotism and good intent for the nation.

Jonathan has distinguished himself as a global statesman, attracting recognition across the world as an ambassador for peace and a symbol of democracy. A peaceful man; the world still recalls with nostalgia how his refusal to cling to power illegitimately (after his loss in 2015) reduced tension in one of the most bitterly contested elections in Nigerian history, setting a precedent for peaceful transitions among African leaders. His famous quote, “As I have always affirmed, my ambition is not worth the blood of any innocent Nigerian. The unity, stability and progress of our dear country is more important than anything else,” exemplifies and speaks deeply to his calm and peaceful disposition and as a patriotic Nigerian, who puts country before self. Considering the enormous power that a Nigerian president wields, Jonathan demonstrated rare courage in conceding to an opposition candidate, an attribute that is alien to African democracy. That simple phone call to the winner of the keenly contested elections, Major General Muhammadu Buhari (retd.), saved many lives, averted crises and set in motion a peaceful transition of power that was devoid of rancour and animosity.

Never reneging on peace, Jonathan has consistently put the national interest first above selfish and parochial interest. It is worthy of note that he has provided support to the Buhari-led regime (despite being in the opposition party), furthering the nation’s influence in the sub-Saharan region. As a Nigerian who has consistently shown strong character transcending the political divide and having influence amongst politicians across parties, the executive and legislative arms of government, it is evident that Jonathan has the capacity to unite and mobilise Nigerians beyond party lines to work to foster the vision for a better Nigeria, without recourse to the PDP or whatever political party he may seek to contest the 2023 presidency.

Jonathan has devoted himself to a life of service that is dedicated to fostering peace and advancing democratic governance—a shining example to world leaders, particularly those in Africa. He has, through his enormous goodwill, led peace missions on behalf of the United Nations, African Union and Economic Community of West African States to many crisis-ridden nations across Africa and facilitated the restoration of calm and stability. Indeed, his capacity and experience in peace-building will be very instrumental in the quest to bring long-lasting peace and stability in troubled regions on the home-front in Nigeria.

Nigeria at this time needs a president who will mend its fractured economy, harness its abundant human and natural resources, formulate and execute policies anchored on rapid and sustainable development. Jonathan had shown a sterling track-record of formulation and execution of good economic policies, which stabilised the naira, set Nigerian economy growing at 6.7% as Africa’s largest and second-best country to invest, as against today’s rate of N570 to $1 and 14th place on the best investment destinations in Africa.

In the words of renowned Nobel laureate, Professor Wole Soyinka, “History matters. Records are not kept simply to assist the weakness of memory, but to operate as guides to the future.” At a time when there are cries of marginalisation and several agitations for secession by different ethnic nationalities, Nigeria needs a peace-loving and experienced statesman that will build a bridge of handshake across the Niger.

It is worthy of note that Jonathan had also shown a keen eye in spotting talent and competence, assembling a team of top-performing professionals into a cabinet that has been described severally as the best in Nigeria’s history. Many members of that cabinet are still blazing the trail in various sectors, including Akinwunmi Adesina (Agriculture), now President of the African Development Bank; Omobola Johnson (Information), now Chairperson of Global Alliance for Affordable Internet; Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (Finance), now Director General, World Trade Organization; Muhammed Pate (Health/State), now Director, World Bank Group, amongst others. This rare skill and foresightedness will be greatly required in the mission to restore Nigeria to the pinnacle as a beacon of development in Africa and a shining light to other nations in the continent.

It is therefore a matter of expediency and in the interest of peace, patriotism, national restoration and development, that Goodluck Jonathan must enter the 2023 presidential race. We also call on Nigerians from all walks of life, across religious, political and ethnic lines, to support his candidacy for a better and working Nigeria.

Dr Mustapha Ahmadu, Chairman, Restore Nigeria Project writes from Abuja; he can be reached via