Nnamdi Kanu’s trial: Disgrace about to befall you – IPOB warns Buhari govt, Malami

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The Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, on Wednesday, issued a warning to the Nigerian government and the Attorney General of the Federation, Abubakar Malami, over the rendition of its leader, Nnamdi Kanu, from Kenya.

IPOB said the Nigerian government and Malami should save themselves from imminent disgrace about to befall them.

Emma Powerful, the spokesman of IPOB, explained that Kanu committed no offence known to the law in Nigeria and the world at large.

Powerful accused the Federal Government of manufacturing charges unknown to the law, amending Kanu’s charges six times.

In a statement he signed, Powerful wondered what happened to the treason charges against Kanu, IPOB said the latest 15 count charges hold no water.

According to Powerful: “The global movement and family of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) ably led by our great leader Mazi Nnamdi KANU wish to state unequivocally that the introduction of empty charges is a simple delay tactic by the Nigerian government to drag on the issue of releasing our liberator and prophet Mazi Nnamdi Kanu unconditionally from the DSS custody.

“The Federal Government of Nigeria in their desperation to manufacture offences that may provide suitable grounds to proffer charges where no offence known to law existed, severally carried out 6 successive amendments to the frivolous charges filed against Mazi Nnamdi KANU.

“If we may ask, what happened to the Charge of treasonable felony earlier proffered against Mazi Nnamdi KANU? This they have now amended it to the present new 15 count charges which still hold no water. If Nigeria’s government and its AGF knows what they are doing they should save themselves from the disgrace that is about to befall them because Nnamdi KANU committed no offence known to the laws of Nigeria and the world for that matter.

“It is to be pointed out that as far as the manner in which Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was brought into the country is concerned, Extraordinary rendition is a grievous infraction on International Conventions, treaties and protocol to which Nigeria is a signatory.

“As such, there is no court in Nigeria that has the competence to ever conduct hearing on any of the frivolous charge filed against Mazi Nnamdi Kanu without first undoing the illegality that brought him to Nigeria in the first place by taking him back to the country where he was brought from.

“Even the Attorney General of the Federation Malami SAN in an erudite Extract he endorsed with his Foreword, from a United Nation Study on Extradition concerning Nigeria) totally agreed that extraordinary rendition is in itself, a crime against humanity, the extract is quoted verbatim as follows;

“Rendition is a general term for all procedures including extradition, for returning wanted persons or aliens generally from one jurisdiction to another.

“Unlawful or irregular forms of returning persons wanted for trials or punishment include abduction, kidnapping and the notorious Extraordinary rendition.

“Extraordinary rendition is a government-sponsored arrest, kidnap and abductions of persons wanted, accused or convicted of a criminal offence either against the state who sponsored the arrest, kidnap or abduction or to a willing third party.

“Extraordinary rendition denies a person of the right to challenge his transfer to the requesting or receiving state. It involves the violation of the principles of international law especially where the person transferred is subjected to torture or sham criminal charges or trial.

“The Dikko Affair of 1984 is an example of an attempt at unlawful rendition. After a Coup d’etat in 1983, the Federal Military Government of Nigeria requested the British Government to surrender Umaru Diko, a former Minister alleged to have been involved in corrupt practices.

“Before the British Government responded to the request, an intelligence officer from Nigerian security forces with three Israeli Nationals abducted Mr. Dikko and attempted to cargo him to Nigeria in a crate.

“This attempt was foiled by the British security apparatus, the abductors were jailed and the relationship between Nigeria and British became strained. Even though not successful it was an attempt by Nigeria to go against the international norms in expressing its political will. Source; Nigeria/Cases and Materials on extradition in Nigeria is clear anywhere in the world.

“Above is very incisive information on extraordinary rendition duly sanctioned and approved by the Attorney General of the Federation, a person who is very guilty of the very infraction he is preaching against.

“Mazi Nnamdi KANU must be unconditionally released and without further delay.”