Russia, US and China: Birds of same feather

Reactions have continued to trail the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. What we are seeing is like a Hollywood fast-action film, the conclusion of which will determine where the superpowers stand against lesser countries.

It will determine whether the United Nations, UN, charter will have to be re-examined, especially as it concerns veto powers given to a few countries and also, it will determine whether the people of the world can truly have freedom.  For now, sentiments seems to be flowing in the direction of Ukraine which is regarded as the underdog, in the manner of a David versus Goliath encounter.

With the goodwill and support of people all over the world, it is hoped that Ukraine will ride out the storm and the super powers will learn to understand that might is not always right, that the moral of the people’s power is superior to whatever arsenal that has been put in place, that the United States of America will let the world be, especially as it concerns the Latin, Central America, the Caribbean and such other places that they are extending their tentacles.

China will allow Taiwan and other countries within the South China Sea region – Vietnam, the Philippines,   Malaysia, Brunei and others – to live in peace. It is hoped that Russia would have learned its lessons and leaders all over the world will begin to live with their conscience, according to universal rights and wrongs, and that the world will be made to experience peace in all regions. It is expected, that the world will stand up with one voice to condemn any future global dictator, the way that we have condemned Russia. But, how did things degenerate to this level in the Russia-Ukraine conflict?