Six Concerning Symptoms Of Ovarian Cysts Women Of All Ages Need To Know About

Six Concerning Symptoms Of Ovarian Cysts Women Of All Ages Need To Know About

#1 Pelvic Pain

Since most ovarian cysts are small, they often don’t cause any symptoms at all.

Larger ones do sometimes exhibit symptoms. One of the more common symptoms is pelvic/abdominal pain, usually on the side where the cyst is.

#2 Bloating and Swelling

Another common symptom of ovarian cysts is bloating or swelling.

Most of us get bloated from time to time, but if it’s not caused by food, it could be a symptom of cysts.

#3 Abdominal Heaviness Or Fullness

If you have a larger ovarian cyst, it could make your abdomen or pelvic area feel full or heavy.

This feeling of fullness won’t go away if you use the bathroom.

#4 Pain in other parts of the body

Ovarian cysts may also cause some other symptoms, including pain in other parts of your body.

Ovarian cysts can cause breast tenderness, and an aching pain in the thighs and lower back.

#5 Problems Urinating and Defecating

Another symptom, which some women might find embarrassing, is difficulty emptying the bowel or bladder completely.

Women with ovarian cysts may also feel the need to urinate more often than usual.

#6 Vaginal Conditions

Finally, other uncommon symptoms involve the vagina.

These symptoms include pain during your period, pain during sex, and unusual bleeding.

If you are experiencing above symptoms please kindly consult a doctor.