Actress Ngozi Eze Tackles Monalisa After She Said Her Boyfriend Had Sex With Her 27 Times In One Day

Actress Ngozi Eze Tackles Monalisa After She Said Her Boyfriend Had Sex With Her 27 Times In One Day

The popular Nollywood actress, Ngozi Eze, has tackled actress and plus-size model, Monalisa Stephen, after she said that her boyfriend had a canal knowledge of her 27 times in one day.

Monalisa Stephen disclosed this yesterday while on a cooking show with a particular chef. She said that one day she went to see her boyfriend, and he made out with her 27 times in one day. She made it clear that the 27 times isn’t in 27 days of the week but just in 24 hours. Monalisa added that she was together with her boyfriend when it happened.

After actress Ngozi Eze listened to what Monalisa Stephen said about making out 27 times in one day, she reacted and said a very simple question: what if Monalisa Stephen and her boyfriend don’t get married,and this news pops up in the future for her husband and children to digest.

Ngozi Eze added that sometimes it’s best we just stay mute on something, it’s better, far better, words spoken can’t be retrieved, whether it’s true or false, she said. What are your thoughts on this?