IPOB announces new date for sit-at-home as court postpones Nnamdi Kanu’s trial

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The Federal High Court has postponed the trial of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) to 28th June 2022.

IPOB’s Spokesman, Emma Powerful, who made this known in a statement on Wednesday said the hearing was postponed because Justice Binta Nyako is indisposed.

Powerful said its Legal Counsel, Ifeanyi Ejiofor notified the group that the Court will no longer be sitting tomorrow, 26th May 2022, adding that there will be no sit-at-home on Thursday.

He continued, ”Sit-at-home will hold on 28th June 2022. According to the Registrar, this is because Justice Binta Nyako is indisposed, and as such, the matter is now adjourned to the 28th day of June 2022 for Ruling/Hearing. We most respectfully, urge you all to maintain restraint, as you have always done. Keep your eyes on the ball, which is the freedom of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

”Also, please note that Justice delayed is not justice denied. We are aggressively cruising to the victory of our Leader, it is only a matter of time.

”There is no sit-at-home again tomorrow Biafrans should bear with us. We profoundly appreciate your solidarity, unflinching support and prayers, which have been sustaining us thus far. Please do not relent in your prayers, we do not take them for granted. We shall continue to keep you all informed as events unfold. ”

Recall that an Abuja Federal High Court had last week, struck out the six-count amended charges against Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous people of Biafra, IPOB.

Kanu’s counsel, Ifeanyi Ejiofor, disclosed this while explaining the circumstances surrounding Justice Binta Nyako denying the IPOB leader bail on Wednesday.

Ejiofor disclosed that Justice Binta Nyako can still grant Kanu bail.


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