Nationwide Strike Continues Today with Increased Enforcement — Organised Labour

Nigeria Labour Congress considers N500,000 as new minimum wage demand

The nationwide strike organised by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress of Nigeria (TUC) continues today, with labour leaders expressing satisfaction with the level of compliance among workers.

Comrade Tommy Okon, Deputy President of TUC, yesterday led a monitoring team dispatched by the two labour centres to assess compliance and ensure enforcement.

He stated, “We are very pleased with the level of compliance thus far. Despite many workers receiving notice from their unions late yesterday, I can confidently say that compliance today was substantial, and there will be 100% compliance tomorrow (today).”

Okon further elaborated on the situation in various states, indicating that compliance was around 80% nationwide, with a few isolated instances of non-compliance. He assured that the impact of the strike would be more pronounced today.

Regarding the situation in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Okon explained that many government offices received strike directives from their unions late or even this morning, hindering the expected level of compliance. He expressed confidence that compliance would be complete by today.

His assertion was supported by a worker at the Federal Secretariat in Abuja. The worker said, “Many workers complied with the strike directive. A few workers came to work, but many did not show up.”

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The worker also predicted that compliance would be more stringent today, as many workers regretted spending money to commute to work yesterday only to find no work activities taking place. He emphasised that there had been no directive or threat from the government to dissuade workers from complying with the strike.


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